This inside out sushi roll with Teriyaki Tofu and avocado is my favourite vegan sushi. The teriyaki tofu gives the sushi so much flavour that any sushi lover will appreciate this dish.
How to Make Sushi Rice?
You can cook this rice in a pan on the stove or use a rice cooker like I did. To get the perfect texture it is very important to wash the rice before cooking. Just gently wash the rice with your hands in a pot and drain several times until the water becomes clear.
For the amount of water I always just follow the instructions on the package. To give the rice extra flavour I’ve added 5 tbsp of rice vinegar and one tsp of salt.

How to make an Inside Out Sushi Roll
The inside out sushi roll is in my opinion the prettiest sushi. It’s also not that hard to make if you know a few tricks.
For the inside out sushi roll I only use half of a nori sheet. To get a straight cut I first fold the sheet in half to make a straight line. And next cut the sheet in half. Also make sure you cut the longer part of the sheet.
Spread a layer of sushi rice on the sheet. Make sure you don’t forget to put rice on the edges. If you use a wet spoon the rice won’t stick on the spoon. Next cover the rice with saran wrap and flip the sheet so the rice is on the bottom. Now you can add the teriyaki tofu, avocado and wasabi mayonaise. The filling shouldn’t take up more than 1/3rd of the sheet.
Put rice on the sheet. -
Cover the rice with saran wrap. -
Add avocado and Teriyaki tofu.
To make the perfect inside out roll start by folding one side over. Push the filling to the back if it has moved. Also Make sure there is no saran wrap stuck inside the roll. Next roll the entire mat around the roll and squeeze a few times. Unroll the mat and sprinkle some sesame seeds on the roll if you like. And cut the roll in six parts. If the edges are ugly you can slice those of first.
Fold one part over and make sure
the filling stays in place -
Make sure the saran wrap is not inside the roll -
Roll mat around the roll -
Squeeze a few times -
Add sesame -
Slice in 6 parts

250g Sushi rice Enjoy!Ingredients
350ml Water (or according to package)
5 tbsp Rice vinegar
1 tsp Salt
3 Nori sheets
Saran Wrap
350g Teriyaki tofu
1 Avocado
Wasabi mayonnaise
Sesame seedsInstructions