In this recipe, I’ll show you three different ways to make the perfect vegan french toast. All three methods definitely won’t make you miss the eggs and won’t make your toast soggy. So next time you feel like eating french toast you can use any of these methods to satisfy your cravings.
How to make vegan french toast with tofu?
The vegan french toast with tofu is delicious! The tofu gives the french toast a soft flavour which complements the other ingredients really well.
The french toast with tofu is not hard to make. Just mix the ingredients for the eggless mixture in a food processor.
250g Tofu -
250ml Plant based milk -
1 tbsp Sugar -
1/2 tsp ground Cinnamon -
2 tsp Vanilla essence -
After mixing
Next, dip both sides of the bread in the mixture and bake the bread in a little vegan butter. I like to use white bread for the french toast because white bread has a lighter flavour and brings out the spices more. But if you want to use brown bread will also be fine. If you bake the toast on both sides you’ll also end up with golden brown french toast.
Dip both sides -
Bake golden brown
How to Make Vegan French Toast with Banana?
The banana vegan french toast is definitely for those with a sweet tooth. The banana gives the french toast an extra creamy sweet flavour. The banana french toast is probably the least close to the classic french toast. But if you like bananas you definitely have to give this version a try.
For the vegan french toast with banana just mix all the ingredients for the eggless mixture in a food processor. You can also puree the banana and mix the ingredients by hand.
1 Banana -
1 tbsp Sugar -
1/2 tsp ground Cinnamon -
2 tsp Vanilla Essence -
250ml Plant based milk -
After mixing
For the vegan french toast with banana I also prefer white bread. But you can use any bread you like. Just dip both sides of the bread and bake golden brown.
Dip both sides -
Bake golden brown -
How to Make Vegan French Toast with Flax Seeds?
The vegan french toast with flax seeds is also delicious! The flax seeds have a very natural flavour and go really well with the spices. For this recipe, you do need to grind the flax seeds. Or buy ground flax seeds.
For the flax seed french toast, you’ll also have to mix the ingredients for the eggless mixture. You can use a food processor or just mix them by hand.
1 Tbsp Ground Flax Seeds -
1 tbsp Sugar -
1/2 tsp ground Cinnamon -
2 tsp Vanilla Essence -
250ml Plant Based Milk -
After mixing
Dip both sides in the mixture and bake golden brown with a little plant-based butter.
Vegan French Toast Toppings?
You can add any toppings you like to the vegan french toast. I like to stack three toasts.

And sprinkle some cane sugar on top for some extra crunch. If you do not have a sweet tooth I would skip the sugar. I also always add some extra cinnamon on top. And for a luxurious french toast, I add some soy whip cream and my favourite fruits.
Cane Sugar -
Extra Cinnamon -
Soy Whip Cream
You can also add some maple syrup instead of the extra cane sugar. Or if you like the toast to be extra sweet you can add both.

180g Tofu or 1 Banana or 1 tbsp ground Flax Seeds
250ml Plant-Based Milk
1 tbsp Sugar
2 tsp Vanilla essence
1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
12 pieces of bread
Plant based butter for baking
Toppings such as fruit or plant-based whip creamInstructions